LUCAS Seminar Series 2015-16
All welcome - to download these seminars as a poster see here
ANNUAL LECTURE: Wole Soyinka, ‘Narcissus and other Pall Bearers - Morbidity as Ideology’
Thursday 8 October 2015, 5.15pm (Conference Auditorium 1)
Tom Penfold (University of Johannesburg), ‘Black Consciousness in South Africa’.
Thursday 15 October, 4-5.30pm (Michael Sadler LG10)
RAINBOW COLLECTIVE FILM FESTIVAL, AmaZulu and Bafana followed by a discussion: Tuesday 27 October, 6-8.30pm, Worsley Medical LT (7.35) (co-hosted with CGD)
Sam Spiegel (Edinburgh), ‘Resource Politics and Advocacy Struggles in Zimbabwe: Encountering Power at Multiple Scales’.
Monday 30 November, 4-5.30pm (School of Earth and Environment, Seminar Room 8.119) (co-hosted with RiDNet)
Naomi Haynes (Edinburgh), ‘Learning to Pray the Pentecostal Way: Language and Personhood on the Zambian Copperbelt’.
Tuesday 8 December, 4–5.30pm (Michael Sadler LG10)
Jane Plastow (Leeds), 'From Research to Activism: Making Theatre and Anthropology in Walukuba', Wednesday 9 December, 5pm, Studio One of the Workshop Theatre (that is the main theatre in the old theatre building beside the Laidlow, in the old red-doored church).
Yorkshire African Studies Network (YASN) Workshop on Gender and Sexuality
Thursday 14 January 2016, 9am-5pm (311 Michael Sadler)
James Morris (York), ‘The Orchestra on the Titanic? Oxfam in Kenya, 1963-2002’.
Tuesday 2 February, 4-5.30pm (Michael Sadler LG10)
Alex Beresford (Leeds), ‘South Africa's Political Crisis: Unfinished Liberation and Fractured Class Struggles’.
Thursday 3 March, 4–5.30pm (seminar and book launch) (Michael Sadler LG 19)
For more details, please see the LUCAS events page or contact