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CGD Seminar: Dr Glyn Williams (SIID, Sheffield) and Prof Gordon Crawford (CGD, Leeds)

Thursday 6 June 2013

Location: SSB 11.13

The Centre for Global Development (CGD) in cooperation with Sheffield Institute for International Development (SIID) would like to invite you to the seminar by speakers from both institutions. The seminar will focus on power, authority and agency in the developing contexts:

Dr Glyn Williams (SIID) 'Managing political space: authority, power and marginalised people's agency in rural West Bengal'

Professor Gordon Crawford (CGD) ‘Struggles for rights: power, authority and agency in Ghana’

Dr Glyn Williams is the co-director of SIID. His research addresses three key themes: poverty and participation; state power and political practices; and environmentalism and environmental governance. Glyn’s research is interdisciplinary, addressing issues of interest to planning, human geography, political science and development studies. His empirical work to date has been based in India, where he has undertaken extensive field-based research (funded by the ESRC, DFID and the British Academy) including a DFID/ESRC funded project, Embedding Poor People´s Voices in Local Governance, which has examined the impacts of decentralized governance initiatives on poor and marginalised people in Kerala and West Bengal.

Professor Gordon Crawford has been the director of CGD until recently. His research focuses on issues of democracy, human rights and development, especially in Africa. Recent research has focused on the ‘Rights, Power and Civic Action’ research project. This has explored the interrelationship between local struggles for human rights and the dynamics of power. As well as a general role in this project, Gordon has been responsible for the Ghana case-study. The results of this significant research project will be published in Human Rights, Power and Non-Governmental Action, edited by Bård A. Andreassen and Gordon Crawford, and to be published in the Routledge ‘Research in Human Rights’ series in 2012.