LUCAS is an interdisciplinary Centre, bringing together academics based in different Schools and Faculties of the University of Leeds. LUCAS members have an active research interest in the study of a wide range of issues relating to Africa, such as creative arts, culture, literature, history, religion, media, politics, development, environment, agriculture, health, gender, and sexuality. Exploring these fields, they utilise a variety of methodological and theoretical perspectives. Much of this research is characterised by a significant level of inter- and transdisciplinarity, as well as by innovative ways of achieving societal impact. Thus, LUCAS members not only make critical contributions to African Studies, but also work with colleagues and partners on the continent to make a difference in local communities and societies.
On this page, we feature some of the recent major publications of LUCAS members, as well as the externally funded research projects they are engaged in. Please check out the pages for 'Books' and 'Projects' on the left of this screen.