Leeds Migration Research Network Annual Invited Lecture
- Date
- Thursday 2 March 2017, 16:15 - 17:45
- Location
- Social Sciences Building 12/21-25
- Category
- Lecture
Nando Sigona, Within and Beyond Citizenship: Borders, Membership and Belonging
A book talk on the forthcoming volume from Routledge edited by Sigona with Roberto Gonzales
Nando Sigona is Senior Lecturer in the School of Social Policy at University of Birmingham, and deputy director of Institute for Research into Superdiversity. He is one of the editors of The Oxford Handbook on Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (Oxford University Press, 2014) and author (with Alice Bloch and Roger Zetter) of Sans Papiers: The Social and Economic Lives of Undocumented Migrants (Pluto Press, 2014).
On Within and Beyond Citizenship: “This tightly coordinated collection is, effectively, a handbook for the new critical migration studies. Working a rich seam of theoretical analyses on the ambiguities of societal membership faced by migrants and movers, the authors bring the everyday exclusions and resistances of the illegal, the transient and the precarious, to the centre of the very notion of citizenship. Chillingly, they show how, as a vector for sovereign power, national citizenship more often than not is a tool of differentiation, stratification and domination.” [blurb by Adrian Favell]
Co-sponsored with White Rose Research Network 'Europe, Migration and the New Politics of (In)Security