Slave Rebellions or Actions of War? Understanding West African Armed Resistance in Bahia and Cuba, 1807-1844 - Manuel Barcia
Professor Manuel Barcia's Inaugural Lecture.
Date: 10-03-2016
Time: 17:00 - 18:00
This lecture will examine how a series of historical events that occurred in West Africa from the mid-1790s - including Afonja's rebellion, the Owu wars, the Fulani-led jihad, and the migrations to Egbaland - had an impact upon life in cities and plantations in Bahia, Brazil and western Cuba during the first half of the nineteenth century. Why did these two geographical areas serve as the theatre for the uprising of the Nagos, the Lucumis, and other West African men and women? To understand why these two areas followed such similar social patterns it is essential to look across the Atlantic and to centre the focus on the African side of the story. The lecture will also raise the broader issue of how can American, Latin American and Caribbean historians make a better use of African history and historical sources to illuminate their subjects of study.
The lecture will be followed by a reception at The Terrace Bar from 6pm to 8pm. Please RSVP to for catering purposes.