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Toussaint Louverture, the Haitian Revolution and Haiti today


Book launch of Toussaint Louverture: A Black Jacobin in the Age of Revolutions (Pluto, 2017) with authors Charles Forsdick and Christian Høgsbjerg, a discussion on Haiti today led by Guilaine Brutus, and a Reparations Dialogue from Sai Murray.  As part of the Conversations in Black History series at the University of Leeds. Tuesday 17 October, 6pm Leeds West...

Extraction, industry and finance: implications for South African sustainability


Sustainability Seminar hosted by the Sustainability Research Institute: Speaker: Prof Samantha Ashman, Director of UJ-IDEP MPhil in Industrial Policy, and Co-ordinator of the Industrial Development and Policy Research Cluster South Africa's system of accumulation has historically been skewed towards a narrow set of capital intensive sectors concentrated on mining and energy, with strong linkages between...

Remembering Darcus Howe - film showing of The Mangrove Nine


Darcus Howe (1943-2017) was perhaps the most prominent radical black journalist and activist in the post-war period in the UK. He opened the Mandela Centre on Chapeltown Road in Leeds in 1984. This event will discuss his legacy for international politics today. Darcus made a huge impact when he defended himself in court in 1971...

YASN Conference - Migration and Transition – Roots and Routes


The main theme of the conference is Migration and Transition – Roots and Routes This 2 day interdisciplinary conference aims to create an inclusive and supportive space for post-graduate scholars, academics and community members to come together in a supportive environment, to provide a platform of critical thinking, exchange of ideas and to promote inter-relationships between academics,...

Finding Africa seminar - Claire Griffiths on postcolonial afterlives and the gendering of empire


Finding Africa seminar – African Feminisms seminar series 2017 Postcolonial afterlives and the gendering of empire: A Franco-African Experience Claire Griffiths Thursday 4 May, 5pm, Leeds Humanities Research Institute Seminar Room 1 Abstract This paper draws on evidence from the former French African Empire to argue that the struggle to eliminate all forms of discrimination...

Finding Africa seminar - Joanita Mirembe on Womanism in Contemporary African Feminism


Finding Africa – African Feminisms seminar series 2017 Womanism in Contemporary African Feminism - Joanita Mirembe Thursday 6 April, 5pm, Leeds Humanities Research Institute Seminar Room 1 African Feminisms Seminar Schedule (UK) The next seminar paper in our African Feminisms series will be delivered by Joanita Mireme Lwanga and is entitled “Womanism in Contemporary African Feminism”....

Jacqueline Rose and Chiara de Cesari speaking


Jacqueline Rose: “The Legacy” Chiara de Cesari: “Impossible Memories: On the Predicament of Creating Palestinian National Museums” We are delighted to host Jacqueline Rose, Professor of Humanities at Birkbeck University, and Chiara de Cesari, Assistant Professor of European Studies and Cultural Studies at the University of Amsterdam. They will be speaking as part of the...