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The Legacy of Fanon - Contemporary Challenges to Racism and Oppression

Wednesday 5 September 2018, 9:00 - 17:00
Liverpool Hope University

What matters is not to know the world but to change it.

Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks

A conference exploring the ideas of Frantz Fanon. It will provide a forum to critically interrogate the discourse, theories and experiences of racism, discrimination, oppression and readings of Fanon in the context of marginalised and oppressed groups, professionalism and daily life/experience. We invite interest to explore themes including (but not limited to): Social & community activism; Contemporary racism, Challenges to the notion of post-racism; Alienation; Mental/psychiatric health; Neo- and post-colonialism; and Gender/sexuality. We welcome contributions in the form of posters and conference papers from practitioners, academics, students and those involved in service delivery. Deadline for submission is July 5 2018.

Keynote speakers to include:
Prof. Erica Burman, author of Fanon, education, action: child as method (2018)
Prof. Lewis Gordon, author of What Fanon Said: A Philosophical Introduction to His Life And Thought (2015)
Dr. Leo Zeilig, author of Frantz Fanon: The Militant Philosopher (2016)

Conference to be opened by Liverpool Hope Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Gerald Pillay

Delegate costs
Individual delegate £30
Students & unemployed/unwaged £20
Refreshments and lunch included
Registration/payment accepted through Liverpool Hope Online Store

For further information contact:
Philomena Harrison
Alistair Jewell
Beverley Burke
Ismail Karolia