How does one make sense of Africa – as a place and an idea – today? How should we study the dynamics in African societies and cultures as part of our constantly shifting world with its paradoxes of globalisation and locality, postcoloniality and neo-colonialism, a neo-liberal world order and alternative collective imaginaries? How are cultural...
Free registration is now open until the 24th August, to register please visit the conference Eventbrite page. Programme Thursday 7th: Day One 9.15 – 9.30 Welcome and Opening Remarks 9.30 – 11.00 PANEL 1: La décennie noire Joe Ford ‘Spectres of the War of Independence and the ‘décennie noire’ in contemporary Francophone Algerian Literature’. Rachel Mihuta Grimm ‘The Remains of an...
What matters is not to know the world but to change it. Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks A conference exploring the ideas of Frantz Fanon. It will provide a forum to critically interrogate the discourse, theories and experiences of racism, discrimination, oppression and readings of Fanon in the context of marginalised and oppressed groups,...
The main theme of the conference is Migration and Transition – Roots and Routes This 2 day interdisciplinary conference aims to create an inclusive and supportive space for post-graduate scholars, academics and community members to come together in a supportive environment, to provide a platform of critical thinking, exchange of ideas and to promote inter-relationships between academics,...
The conference aims to subject to scrutiny the realms of criminal justice, social justice and reconciliation in Africa. This is not envisaged as a narrow field; the conference is designed to include all elements of international criminal justice, truth and reconciliation commissions, localised notions of retributive, restorative and redistributive justice, and ideas of social justice...
Recent years have seen impressive levels of economic growth in many parts of Africa, with a new discourse of ‘Africa Rising’ coming to displace the widespread pessimism of the late twentieth century. 2015 is also the year in which countries across the continent will be scrutinised regarding their achievements or failures in relation to the...
Location: University of Leeds We are delighted that the 2012 ASAUK conference will be held in conjunction with Leeds University Centre for African Studies (LUCAS) at Leeds University. It will run from 1:30pm on Thursday Sept 6th to 3:30pm on Saturday 8th September 2012. A number of panels and streams have already been proposed for...
Location: University of Leeds - details confirmed with booking The first YASN conference will include coffee, lunch and drinks, but has limited space. Those interested in attending should contact Karen Cereso directly to reserve a place ( Event sponsored by the Review of African Political Economy South Sudan and after: rethinking borders and revisiting migration...
[tab:{About the Conference}] Almost two decades have passed since the 'third wave' of democratization began to roll across Sub-Saharan Africa in the early 1990s, and while the holding of regular elections has become relatively well-established in many countries, perhaps most successfully in Ghana, electoral processes have also been deeply flawed in recent instances such as...