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Life is Waiting: Referendum and Resistance in Western Sahara


A screening of the award-winning documentary Life is Waiting: Referendum and Resistance in Western Sahara.   Date: 17 March 2016 Time: 17:00 - 19:00 Room: B.10 Parkinson Building, Leeds University Most people think that colonialism in Africa is ended. But in Western Sahara, the end of Spanish rule gave way to a new occupation, this...

The Battle of Algiers - film screening and roundtable


The Battle of Algiers [screening and round table] March the 2nd at 5 pm Phil Taylor Cinema School of Media and Communication [2nd floor - room 2.13] Clothworkers' Building North- (building 56 on Campus Map) University of Leeds (w/ English subtitles) Originally banned in France, this 1966 Italian-Algerian historical war film depicts the Algerian War...

Slave Rebellions or Actions of War? Understanding West African Armed Resistance in Bahia and Cuba, 1807-1844 - Manuel Barcia


Professor Manuel Barcia's Inaugural Lecture. Date: 10-03-2016 Time: 17:00 - 18:00 This lecture will examine how a series of historical events that occurred in West Africa from the mid-1790s - including Afonja's rebellion, the Owu wars, the Fulani-led jihad, and the migrations to Egbaland - had an impact upon life in cities and plantations in...

Upcoming LUCAS seminars / events 2016


James Morris (York), ‘The Orchestra on the Titanic? Oxfam in Kenya, 1963-2002’. Tuesday 2 February, 4-5.30pm (Michael Sadler LG10) Alex Beresford (Leeds), ‘South Africa’s Political Crisis: Unfinished Liberation and Fractured Class Struggles’. Thursday 3 March, 4–5.30pm (seminar and book launch) (Michael Sadler LG 19) For more details, please see the LUCAS events page or contact...

American Research events at Leeds University


Some upcoming seminars / lectures of interest at Leeds University Wednesday January 27th Zoe Trodd (University of Nottingham) Picturing Frederick Douglass: The Most Photographed American of the 19th Century Grant Room, Michael Sadler Building, 3-5 pm Zoe Trodd is Professor of American Literature in the Department of American and Canadian Studies at the University of...

Oluwale Now: Remembering Human Rights in an Age of Crisis


David Oluwale Now - Friday 26 February - University of Leeds David Oluwale matters as much now as ever. Since his violent death in 1969 many have warned against dwelling on his life, believing Leeds must let go of this painful past in order to move on. Others in the city, however, have felt differently....

Climate Change in Malawi Phd Studentship at Leeds


Climate Research Doctoral Training Programme The Priestley Centre is launching its Climate Research Doctoral Training Programme with a suite of fully-funded PhD studentship opportunities. The projects provide an excellent opportunity to undertake ground-breaking research aimed towards delivering global climate solutions. Successful applicants will become part of internationally leading research teams that work across disciplinary boundaries...

Review of African Political Economy Online


Check out the great new ROAPE Online website, which has analysis of contemporary developments in Africa as well as details of scholarships, funding opportunities etc - including the Lionel Cliffe Memorial Research Scholarship Since 1974 the Review of African Political Economy has provided radical analysis of trends, issues and social processes in Africa, adopting a...

YASN Workshop on Gender and Sexuality Programme


YORKSHIRE AFRICAN STUDIES NETWORK (YASN)  WORKSHOP ON GENDER AND SEXUALITY UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS, THURSDAY 14 JANUARY 2016 Grant Room 311 Michael Sadler Building, University of Leeds 10.15am Coffee and opening remarks Session 1: 10.30-12.30 RHETORIC AND REPRESENTATION Manel Zouabi (Centre for Women’s Studies, York), Post-revolutionary Tunisia: sexualizing women-political activists in digital media Brendon Nicholls (English, Leeds), Ken...

Upcoming African Studies seminars at Leeds


Please find details below of some upcoming seminars related to African Studies at the University of Leeds: Finding Africa seminar - two papers on the Zimbabwean author and scholar, Yvonne Vera. Ryan Topper (Leeds) will present on “Life Beyond the Archive: Yvonne Vera’s The Stone Virgins” and Thando Njovane (York) will give a paper on...