The Researchers in Development Network at the University of Leeds is excited to announce the 5th Annual RiDNet conference “I, Researcher: exploring the research experience – context, self and interdisciplinary practice” The conference will take place on the 27th of January, 2017 at the School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds. Please see attached...
LUCAS and the Centre for Global Development were delighted to host Dr Alex Vines OBE (Head of the Africa Programme at Chatham House), who spoke at the University of Leeds on ‘Narratives about Africa’s Future: what role for academics and analysts?’ on Tuesday 18th October. Watch the video of his talk here
Friday/Saturday 11/12 November This coming month, the ENHANCE ITN Environmental Humanities Training Network will be curating several films at the Leeds International Film Festival. One of these films is The Land Beneath Our Feet, a new documentary about governmental and corporate land grabs set in Liberia. The film’s world premiere will take place at 5pm on Friday,...
Leeds University Centre for African Studies (LUCAS) is proud to host Forward to freedom, an exhibition on the history of the British Anti-Apartheid Movement, 1959-1994, for Black History Month in Leeds. Campaigners in Leeds gather to show their support for the anti-apartheid movement (Photo courtesy of Dr Salim Essop - please acknowledge if reproduced). The...
Finding Africa 2016/17 (UK) - African Feminisms African feminisms have, from the beginning, been grounded in an inclusive and intersectional discourse which seeks to challenge and unravel patriarchal, political, existential, and philosophical imbalances in society. As such they have been instrumental in bringing into question some of the ‘blind spots’ and prejudices embedded in Western...
Leeds University Centre for African Studies (LUCAS) Autumn Term Seminar Series - all welcome Roundtable: ‘Remembering Anti-Apartheid Activism in Leeds’ Wednesday 12 October, 5.30pm, Michael Sadler Building LG19. LUCAS are very proud to host a roundtable of anti-apartheid activists, including members of Leeds Women Against Apartheid, will mark the launch of a new exhibition,...
Ousmane Sembène, otherwise known as the father of African cinema, is one of the key figures of world cinema, and yet his works, still relevant today, remain unknown to many. Through this programme we will explore his work through the new and highly acclaimed documentary SEMBENE!, capturing the life of this prolific filmmaker. This will...
Leeds Being Human Festival 2016, Journeys of Hope and Fear – "US Slavery and Yorkshire Anti-Slavery: forgotten Narratives from the Leeds Archive". A country wide event in conjunction with University of Leeds and Joe Williams of Heritage Corner. 17th – 25th November 2016 If you were living in Leeds in the 1840s and 1850s you...
A Better Life for All? Power, Politics and the Past in South Africa Friday 23 September. 7.30pm - Howard Assembly Rooms, Leeds - to book tickets see here: On 11 July 1963, police raided Liliesleaf Farm in Rivonia, South Africa and arrested the high command of the ANC’s armed wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe. At...