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Seminar: 'Knowing Transformation: Race, space, and epistemic power in one post-apartheid South African town


Location: Social Sciences Building. Room 11.20. The White Spaces Postgraduate Research Network invites you to 'Knowing Transformation: Race, space, and epistemic power in one post-apartheid South African town' by Haley McEwan. Abstract: This paper examines space, identity and power in Prince Albert, a small town in the South African Karoo, through analysis of white constructions...

ASAUK Biennial Conference 6th-8th Sept 2012


Location: University of Leeds We are delighted that the 2012 ASAUK conference will be held in conjunction with Leeds University Centre for African Studies (LUCAS) at Leeds University. It will run from 1:30pm on Thursday Sept 6th to 3:30pm on Saturday 8th September 2012. A number of panels and streams have already been proposed for...

Yoruba Textiles Exhibition 5th-Sept 2012-1st March 2013


Location: University of Leeds Cloth and Tradition in West Africa The Yoruba of south western Nigeria are amongst the most prolific art making people of Africa. A major aspect of their creative culture is the design, production and use of textiles. Yoruba textile creativity has developed through a number of different technical processes and shows...

RiDNet/CGD Seminar with Mike van Graan - Arterial Network: Culture and Development


Location: Baines Wing SR 1.16 Within the context of international development the importance of culture is often overlooked, or even ignored. Culture does however play a strong role in attaining overall development goals. While this has been asserted by international organizations throughout the past decades, culture has remained a minor element in most development approaches. It...

'I am NOT a KONY2012 POSTER': Discussion of Issues


Location: Yorkshire Bank Lecture Theatre (Leeds Business School) What do you think of the INVISIBLE CHILDREN campaign? Did the campaign do good? Or harm? What are its implications? With presentations by a range of experts. This event is organised by Jo Sadgrove, Alex Beresford and Chris Paterson. Dr Joanna Sadgrove is a Research Fellow in the...

Yorkshire African Studies Network (YASN) workshop


Location: Location details made available with confirmation of booking Sponsored by LUCAS and Review of African Political Economy (ROAPE) 2012 is the African National Congress’ centenary year and this workshop will examine a range of issues relating to South African politics, history and society at this symbolic moment in the country’s history. The themes addressed...

Chris Vaughan: 'Demonstrating the machine guns’: rebellion, counter-insurgency and state formation in colonial Darfur


Location: Room 11.13 Social Sciences Building Dr Chris Vaughan teaches African history at the Universities of Liverpool and Durham, and taught in POLIS at Leeds in the first semester of the current academic year. He completed his doctorate on the history of Darfur under British colonial rule at Durham in 2011. Chris's research is particularly focussed on examining the character...

Tanzania: 50 Years of Independence and Evaluation


Location: Michael Sadler: LG15 In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of independence in Tanzania we are delighted to host this panel event: 50 Years of Independence and Evaluation Dr Anna Mdee: 'Addicted to Aid?' Prof. John Loxley: 'From Self-reliance to Neo-liberalism' Emeritus Prof. Peter Lawrence: 'Agricultural strategy and (De)Industrialisation' Nicodemus Shauri Eatlawe 'Democracy in Tanzania'...

Alex Beresford: The ANC reaches 100. Time for South African Workers to Celebrate?


Location: Room 11.13 Social Sciences Building Dr Alex Beresford is a newly appointed to Lecturer in Development Studies in the School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds. Alex completed his Ph.D. at the Centre of African Studies, Edinburgh University. His interdisciplinary Ph.D. thesis provides a detailed ethnographic focus into class and nationalist politics...

Citizenship and Belonging Reading Group: with Joanna Sadgrove, 'Morality Plays and Money Matters:... the politics of homosexuality in Uganda'


Location: Room 1.44 of the Geography main building Joanna Sadgrove is a Research Fellow in the School of Geography, University of Leeds. Jen Brown and the Citizenship and Belonging Reading Group would like to invite everyone to a reading group gathering where we will be discussing an exciting new paper with the author herself. The meeting...